
Welcome to Becky Writes

This is a place where I will share my writing, life updates, thoughts and general musings.

It is a place of immense vulnerability and honesty all coming from a mentally ill, neurodivergent, non-binary, working-class writer and artist who is trying to find their way in this world.

It is also a place where there is also a lot of humour and silliness. We must have fun, right?

Thank you for joining me here.

About Becky

Becky (they/she) is an award-winning artist and writer based in Derbyshire, UK.

Their art crosses over many borders from film to abstract painting to photography and writing. Her writing has been published online on a variety of platforms such as Dear Damsels and Hundred Heroines. Their work has also been published in books including her short story ‘Abbi and Sammy’ within the first ‘Write Like A Grrrl Anthology’ and a non-fiction piece within ‘Tales from the Unbound Path’, published by the Unbound Press.

​Along with her work being published by others, in 2021, they self-published their first book - 'I want to be here'. 

Becky's work often deals with mental health and their biggest intention with their work is to help others who are going through their own battles feel less alone and allow them to see their worth. 

Subscribe to Becky Writes

A place for the writing and life updates of a neurodivergent, non-binary, working-class wonder and weirdo. Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're immensely vulnerable. Sometimes they're both. But, they are always honest. Welcome 🖤✨🌈


🌈 she/they 🖤 Artist | Writer | Human ✨ Most likely reading, writing or out walking.