I love your book tracker!

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Thank you so much, Susan! 🖤

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Love reading your update, Becky. And love your book tracker! So much appreciation and admiration for how you’ve chosen to spend your summer. Gentle, with lots of reading, sounds perfect. Sending wishes for continued steadiness, ease, and healing.

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Thank you so much, Dana. 🖤

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Lovely to see you around here again, Becky.

If you have a couple of favourites from your 2024 reading, I'm always on the look out for reccs!

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Thank you so much, Janelle. 🖤

A couple of my favourites from 2024 have definitely been Raynor Winn's books - The Salt Path, Wild Silence and Landlines - which are all non-fiction. If you are more about fiction/also enjoy fiction, I really enjoyed Good Omens by Terry Prachett and Neil Gaiman.

You have 100% inspired me to do a post about my favourite reads so thank you!

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Also obsessed with the book tracker and very into the idea of learning more about your favourite reads!

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Thank you so much, Jane. 🖤 My favourite reads is a work in progress! Should hopefully be ready for next weekend. :)

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Ooh yes this is a great post!

Thank you. I've had Raynor Winns books on my list for ages. I really must get those read!

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